Trevor Meeker’s art uses reclaimed materials and colourful collages to create unique industrial and modern scenes in Big Sur. The artist and art director of Post Ranch Inn provides this exceptional retreat with a creative contrast to the serene and craggy coastal area of Big Sur. Trevor moved to the area nearly 30 years ago, after leaving his home in San Francisco to travel down south. Stopping at Big Sur meant love at first sight and Trevor describes how the atmosphere and landscape has opened up his imagination and has inspired his artwork.
How long have you been Art Director at Post Ranch Inn?
I’ve been at Post Ranch Inn for just under 10 years, responsible for artwork throughout the property to try and enhance the guest experience. We love locally inspired artwork and working with local artists. We had an exhibit for Ansel Adams an incredible landscape photographer from the early 1900s and an environmentalist. The sculpture garden at Post Ranch Inn is a peaceful place to enjoy the artwork of Robert Holmes, Greg Hawthorne and James Hunolt. These different forms of art are my passion and they all serve each other in their own right.

Do you take your inspiration from the nature and landscape around you? If not, from where to you get the majority of your inspiration?
I’m still taken by the nuance and design of the architecture at Post Ranch Inn. Working as Art Director forces me into using different parts of my mind. My work is inspired by the juxtaposition of where I live and work. Being surrounded by such incredible natural beauty, I am able to appreciate all that isn’t around me; the urban noise, which I can then express through my work. It is an endless process of discovery.

Do you enjoy working alongside the other artists/sculptors? Do you get to interact with the guests and educate them about the art?
I am always looking for artists. New people are always arriving to pursue different types of art. There’s a magical thing that happens – it’s so stunningly beautiful at Post Ranch Inn that it opens up people’s minds. They come from busy lifestyles, there is a natural decompression that is insinuated by the beauty of the area. This brings out an openness to art – I find that people are much more open to new things. We are working on a small residency programme where an artist will have a studio space. Guests are also able to create work inspired by the Big Sur area. When you understand artwork and the process, it becomes more personalised.
How have you seen art in the Big Sur area change over the years?
I’ve seen it change and seen it stay the same – if that makes any sense! Because of the climate of Big Sur and the fact that it’s a very raw and harsh environment, housing is difficult and it’s close to impossible to develop. It’s beauty in theory will remain pristine.

What do you love most about the Big Sur area?
The heart of Big Sur still beats strong and its soul hasn’t changed over the years. The beauty, the nature, the quiet… it is everything which is important to me and endlessly inspiring. We live in a tight-knit community where it is a necessity to look after one another.
If you could describe the Big Sur coastline in three words, what would they be?
Inspiring. Evocative. Serene.
Rest your head
For privacy, exclusivity, jaw-dropping views and their eco-chic design concept, we love Post Ranch Inn. From £750 per night.
Enjoy the Post Gallery & Sculpture Garden year-round. Admission is free and it’s open daily.