Danny Roman’s passion for the great outdoors inspired him to start a tour company with a difference. Bikes and Hikes eco-friendly status matches the stunning setting of Los Angeles perfectly. With the sunny Californian skies and perfect temperature 350 days a year, Danny queries why any visitor would want to experience LA in any other way:
What inspired you to start Bikes and Hikes?
The way most people experienced Los Angeles before we opened our doors was revolting. Why would anyone want to experience this gorgeous city behind glass and metal? It’s mental! If you hop on one of our daily biking and hiking tours then you’ll experience the city in a sustainable, health conscious and personal way.

With health and wellness now being such a focus for so many travellers, have you seen a trend in more tourists and groups wanting to cycle or hike to see the city, rather than take a car or bus tour, over the past 8 years?
Yes they say biking is the new golf for corporations wanting to entertain clients. Everyone wants to be sustainable, health conscious. People understand the importance of experiencing a city up close and personal as opposed to a drive by. We say: Experience LA, Don’t drive past it…
How many tours do you run a week? How do you find your guides? Do you train them yourselves?
We run 40+ tours a week on average. 90% of our guides are in the entertainment industry and they all have a really strong passion for history, entertainment, comedy and staying fit -this is exactly who you want leading your tour! They go through a rigorous training process. Our guides are the best in town.
What is your favourite thing about living in LA?
We have TONS of conscious people living here. People care about their bodies, their minds, the environment, sustainability, food consumption, animal welfare, etc. Because of this the energy is the city is addicting. Be careful, You’ll never want to leave…

We saw on your website that you also offer sailing, is that going to be a big part of the business in the future?
Yes, sailing is really blowing up! We do a lot of sailing regattas for company team building experiences. Super popular. Check out this great video of one of our regatta’s: https://bikesandhikesla.com/team-building/
What would be your TOP tip/must-see/must-do to those vising LA for the first time?
Take our LA IN A DAY bike experience. Burn 2,500 cals and experience all the best the city has to offer in one exciting day – without having to deal with traffic and Parking. It’s my favourite thing to do with my out of town guests. Still, after 8 years…
If you had to describe LA in three words, what would they be?
Drop Dead Gorgeous!

Health and wellness has become such a focus for so many travellers, and Danny explains that biking is becoming the new golf for larger corporations wanting to entertain clients. Bikes and Hikes now runs over 40 tours a week and all of the guides must have a strong passion for history, entertainment, comedy, staying fit and each must go through a vigorous training process to make sure they’re the best tour guides in town. Sailing is also becoming increasingly popular, and bikes and hikes now offer a lot of sailing regattas for company team building experiences.
For those visiting LA for the first time, Danny recommends the ‘LA in a day’ bike experience where you can burn 2,500 calories and experience all the best the city has to offer in one exciting day.
‘Everyone wants to be sustainable, health conscious. People understand the importance of truly experiencing a city in an authentic way as opposed to a drive by. In LA people care about their bodies, their minds, the environment, food consumption and animal welfare. Because of this the energy is the city is addictive- be careful, you’ll never want to leave!’
Rest your head
For style, comfort, location and their ultra-cool rooftop pool and restaurant, we love the London West Hollywood. From £330 per night.
Enjoy the Bikes and Hikes ‘LA in a Day Bike Tour’, from $135 per person. www.bikesandhikesla.com